

Dedicated to the Pursuit of Quality Queer Literature


Dedicated to the Pursuit of Quality Queer Literature

On the Passing of Bob Smith

Bob Smith passed on yesterday and suddenly the world seems less fun.  Most people knew Bob Smith as the first openly gay comedian to perform on The Tonight Show.  Others knew him through his books, in particular his novels, Selfish and Perverse and Remembrance of Things I Forgot–both of which this site strongly recommended.  But this queer reader will always remember him as a gentle, accommodating soul.  Queer Reader was just getting started when Mr. Smith granted this website an interview in 2009.  He told me about his ALS diagnosis, but I got the distinct impression he didn’t want me to ask him about it, so I didn’t.  He was so cheerful and nice, this queer reader didn’t notice any sign of the deadly disease.  It was only when I transcribed the recording that I noticed occasional slurring of words.  He talked about Oscar Wilde, Evelyn Waugh, Barbara Pym, Ronald Firbank, Joe Orton, Christopher Isherwoood and one of the great loves of his life:  Alaska.  It was a long interview.  And as I was transcribing it, the thought occurred to me that Mr. Smith had a lot he wanted to say–while he still could.  I was just terribly grateful he chose to say it to me.

Click here to read the Queer Reader interview with Bob Smith.
