

Dedicated to the Pursuit of Quality Queer Literature


Dedicated to the Pursuit of Quality Queer Literature

Wonderful News for Queer Readers. Magnus Books Begins. The Publisher is Don Wiese.

It’s official:  Don Wiese has launched Magnus Books, an independent press dedicated to LGBT literature. Magnus will publish fifteen to twenty titles a year.

As I have written before, I believe that Don Wiese is one of the best editors period.  At such an historic moment, it’s worth quoting Mr. Wiese in full:

As owner and publisher of Magnus I have complete freedom for the first time in my career, working entirely on my own and independent of parent companies or affiliations. I’m tremendously excited by this long-awaited opportunity. With 18 years in the business, the majority of that devoted to LGBT books, the path has been pointed in this direction for quite some time.

All seekers of quality literature should rejoice at this news.
